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The Ruins

Available Now!

Joelle’s a hot mess. Nightmares about the end of the world keep her up at night, and lack of sleep has her losing job after job. The only consistency to these dreams is the man she calls “The Watcher”. But after another night of frustration, The Watcher arrives at her door, in the flesh. Luc, a demon Mare, is the source of all of her problems, but could he also be her salvation?

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The Reckoning

Available Now!

Luc, a demon Mare, and Joelle, the sassy woman he started out tormenting only to fall in love with, must travel to hell to save Joelle from a fate worse than death -- eternal damnation. But when they arrive, they’ll be damned if they’re putting up with what they find.

Betrayal, tricks, and a twist of fate have them questioning reality and their love for each other. Will either of them survive?


The Remains

Available Now!

Joelle and Luc escaped hell -- barely. But now hell is coming for them on Earth. They know what Joelle can do, and the stakes are high. Luc is doing his best to stay sane and protect Joelle, which is easier said than done when dealing with the feisty blonde. But the two will have to work together -- even when separated -- to prove that their love is strong enough to overcome even the deadliest of battles.

The Remains is the final book in the Watcher novella trilogy.



Darkling Series